Halloween is for everyone! Whether you are a child or an adult this holiday will suit you well. It is a holiday where everyone can dress up whoever they want to be, unless you do not enjoy dressing up pretending to be someone else. This is definitely ok by the way. Everyone has their thing and if Halloween is not your thing, that is ok too. Right we are not so sure if you could celebrate Halloween outside your house with your friends. So how will you celebrate it inside your house? You can watch a horror movie or make Halloween themed food or you can make your own Halloween bath bomb. Bath bombs are so cool. Basically, you are doing a chemistry experiment in the name of Spa Day. How could anyone not like that combo? Bath Bombs are not all that cool until they hit water, and then they start fizzing like crazy and create a fun, foaming bath experience as they dissolve. The reason for this is an acid-base reaction. Bath bombs are like a very fun science experiment and making the whole is really easy. You can sell them or give them as gifts to your friends and family. This makes it more personal and it will be more appreciated by them. Here are a few unusual or spooky bath bombs to make during this season.
Black bath bomb with a little surprise on the inside:
First, you are going to need:
Citric Acid
Baking Soda
Epsom Salt
Coconut oil
Activated charcoal
Your preferred essential oil
Small insect toys (You can buy them at your local Halloween store)
Here is how you do it, mix all of the dry ingredients first and then add in your essential oil and coconut oil. The activated charcoal will make your mixture color black; which makes it a little bit spooky. Mix them well; make sure there are not any crumbs but make sure that the mixture can be easily molded in to a certain shape. After doing that, mold it so it appears solid as possible. Having a skull shaped mold would be nice but it is ok if you do not have one. You can just mold it into a circle. But wait, before you close the mold, add in a few small insect toys in your mixture so that when you or a family will use it there will be a little spooky surprise. Leave it the mold for a day, remove it from the mold and they are ready to go.
Witchy cauldron bath bomb:
The ingredients are the same from the black bath bomb, the difference is instead of using activated charcoal to color your bath bomb, and you will use a green bath bomb coloring. If you do not have any access to a green bath bomb coloring, you can use a regular green food color. And instead of molding it into a circle, you will use a small cauldron to shape it. A small cauldron can be bought in your local Halloween store. Another thing you should buy for this witchy cauldron bath bomb to work is beads. These beads will look like the floating objects in your witch cauldron bath bomb. This bath bomb has the same procedure as the one above. Just make sure that when you mold your mixture into the small cauldron, it is packed no spaces. After doing that, go ahead and sprinkle the beads for more spooky effect. Leave it for a day and you can use it make potions in your bath-- just kidding. But yes, you can finally use your witch cauldron bath bomb in your bath. If you feel bad for throwing out the small cauldron after using the bath bomb, you can use it as a pot for small plants. Isn’t it cute?
Spider web bath bombs
The ingredients and the procedure of this bath bomb is the same as both the black bath bomb and witchy cauldron bath bomb. And let us face it; all bath bombs have the same base ingredients. The only thing that makes them unique is how you mold them in to different shapes and the fragrance you use in them. In this spider web bath bomb you are going to use a purple food color, activated charcoal and witch hazel but leave out the activated charcoal and witch hazel. You are not going to need it until the whole bath bomb is molded. Once you’ve mixed, molded and set it aside for 24 hours, mix witch hazel and activated charcoal together. Paint your bath bomb random spider webs using this mixture and you are done.